It seems she didn't write at her home, but went to the island, particularly when the weather was bad. It seems she used the island as the inspiration for And Then There Were None.
The hotel has a sea pool called the mermaid pool, and to be honest, only a mermaid could enjoy it in May. However the British are nothing if not hardy, and i saw two brave souls take to the water.
Just when I thought nothing else could surprise me, we had a fly over of five biplanes. We were standing on the terrace, and they flew low over our heads, appearing from above the hotel. It is something I will always remember.
We donned our glad rags for the final evening and said goodbye to this little gem of a place out of time. There was one final treat though. On our last morning, the tide was in so we had to use the sea tractor to get back to the mainland. It was also very foggy. As we drove off, the Burgh Island hotel disappeared into the mist. A perfect way to end a magical weekend.