Wednesday 1 February 2017


One thing about not skiing whilst on a skiing holiday, is that it makes you look around to see what else is out there. It was suggested we go to Aosta as there was a craft fair on we might like. The very helpful staff at the bus station sold us a return ticket for €7 and down the valley we went. Perhaps it isn't the most picturesque valley but the mountains are always worth a view, and I love looking at local villages, of which there were quite a few on the way. An hour later we arrived in Aosta.
It is a very old town and most of its Roman wall and towers are still intact. We went in through the Praetorian Gate which still has some of the marble it was faced with. I did manage to get a peek at the Roman Theatre through a fence as I was too mean to pay €7 for the privalage. Not that you could see a lot as it was mostly covered in snow. We were there for the fair after all.


The town was buzzing. The  Foire de Spain Ours is held every year on 30-31 Jan. It started in approx 1017 so this is its 1000 year or there abouts. I had a quick look on the oracle that is Wikipedia and it seems it was started in memory of an Irish monk! We get everywhere.
There were lots of handicrafts, mostly made from wood. Also some wicker work and felt. A number of the stall holders were wearing felt hats.
I have found in the lady who is also a non skier in the group, a soul mate. She takes no persuading at all to stop for coffee and cake. While we were having a rather thick chocolate and enormous frangipan , an elderly gentleman left the cafe. With his very large nose and pointy felt hat, I couldn't help but wonder if this is where gnomes come from .
One stall was selling odd sticks with ribbons and bells on the end. We asked the stall holder what theywere and she explained it was a local instrument which is placed over the shoulder and both ends beaten with a small stick. It was fantastic to see a group playing them just before we headed in for coffee.

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